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Service Learning

About The Programme

Cornerstone’s Community Engagement programmes involve a form of project based learning in which structured goals are accomplished through community service. Our programme develops citizenship and good character, and provides a rich context for academic instruction and student learning.

Our programme is based on the following key principles :

  • Ownership and thus project selection by the students (with appropriate trainer guidance)

  • Involvement of the students in preparation, implementation (action), and reflection

Our trainers are more supportive and supervisory than directive and help the students select an appropriate project and guides the students through the necessary steps to completion. They monitor student activities, and facilitate students' reflection and analysis of their experiences.

Our trainers ensure that all training and facilitation is performed in a manner that is appropriate for the age of the students, and should, as much as possible, encourage student autonomy and creativity. This way :

  • Students learn a range of valuable practical skills including: problem solving, organizing, collaborating, project management, research, dealing with obstacles and setbacks, etc.

  • Students develop character virtues and interpersonal habits such as respect, responsibility, empathy, cooperation, citizenship, initiative, and persistence.

  • Students are empowered with the realization that they can make a difference.


  • Project based learning geared toward community service

  • Develop citizenship, good character

  • Scaffolded approach for preparation, ideation, implementation and reflection on a VIA/community based project

Level : Young Adults

Award : Certificate of participation

Duration: 4 modules* of 2 hours each

Mode : Face to face or fully virtual

Modules: Module 1: Teambuilding

Module 2: What is service learning?

Module 3: The Design Thinking Approach

Module 4: Service project management

Module 5: Implementing a service project

*Customization of programme available upon request


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